MIX Design Lab showcases the work and influence of argentinian architect and designer Hernan Molina

10 May 2013


RTKL's RE-FLEX wins Honorable Mention on the TEX-FAB APPLIED: Research through Fabrication competition.

Jury Comments:
The inherent beauty and elegance of RE-FLEX led the jury to comment that the proposal with intelligent performative ‘digitally fabricated joinery has built in flexibility/ capacity to take-on or influence formal characteristics.’ While its ‘aperture informs form/light transmittance and resultant structural proposition’, finally suggesting that the proposal would benefit from further work as the ‘surface thickness provides potential for sustainable structural system – compression of joinery at highly compressed moments in mobius band must be studied further.

H. Molina, J. Kepsel, B. O’Grady, A. Shenefelt, M. Cagle, J. LeMaster, H.Y. Mok, S. Y. Kim, D. Wekesser, R. Crum and R. Ting
